
June 2023

'ello reader !

On your mark...

Lots of things are moving for me in June. I have big plans for my writing,,, and finally, I've decided to push my fear aside and go for it.

If becoming an author is my goal, I need to stop just writing and do some scavenger hunt leg work to make my dreams come true.

The other perk to this process, which helped dampen my fear, is that I'm not the only writer facing the woes. Many came before me, many trying right now, and many will be after me.

At least I did everything I could instead of just stating I have a dream and continue writing.

Don't get me wrong, writing is a big part of reaching author goals, but I want to write to share my stories, not only writing for the satisfaction of crafting stories.

If one reader falls in love with my stories, I'm happy. Because what is achieving your dreams without love?

Now it is my turn to actively work towards my goals instead of containing to write my dream. The legwork behind writing is quickly forgotten.

"When she steals a glance, there is a blot of ink smeared on one of the pages and the evidence is on her thumb."

- OLD LINE: "The Gala Event of the Season" Episode 30 FF Writing Prompts - 26 Dec '21

"When she steals a glance, a blot of ink is smeared on one of the pages.

The evidence is on her thumb. "

- NEW LINE: Storyteller's Hearth Social Sprint #1 - 17 June '23


This line became so much stronger when I broke it up, and that second sentence opened a new paragraph—the perfect one-two punch to convey the intensity of this comical story.


I'm currently listening to Originals by Adam

One thing, thus far, that has really stood out to me is the importance of breath of knowledge

As writers, we are able to learn a multitude of topics as it relates to our writing.

Now the key is to continue the breath outside our writing path.

Since 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023 I have read 55 books. I admit, for my lifestyle, most of those are audio books, but this piece isn't for that argument. The point is we will stay creative and inspired the more information we consume.

I taught this in my AWC presentation on 25 June 2023. Click below to watch.

Big Steps, Small Feet

As my intro states, I'm planning to take steps forward towards my goal to be published.

Below are the three items the universe threw at me before I finally got it.

  1. Poets and Writers magazine. I've been getting these for a year that to my mother having a free subscription. I finally read one (instead of keeping it in a stack saying I would read it). There is tons of resources of places accepting submissions throughout each issue. Most are for poets but there is a few flash and short stories options.
  2. Laura Nettles's AWC Presentation on Publishing Short Stories.
3. Finally, I came across a book. Taking the Short Tack by Matty Darlymple with Mark Leslie Lefebvre


So, with the 55 books I've consumed so far this year, a large number were memoirs, based on true stories, and some leadership books along with just good old good stories.

With this constant flow of information and the universe telling me to send my flashes and short stories out for publication, my future is set.

The best thing I can do now is create a spreadsheet to keep track what stories I send off, to whom they're sent to, any submission cost there are, when they were sent, and if they were accepted or rejected.

Now to increase my breath of knowledge about potential websites, magazines, podcasts, and anthologies that are out there and have numbers of their audience.

I want more stories to be out there, and this is the leg work required to do it.

If anything, I may just get used to silence or even better, rejection.
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