
July 2023

'ello reader !

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Signing the dream...

Big news in the writing corner this month. My writing sister, Chandra Arthur, and I signed with Inimitable Books to publish a Flash Fiction Prompt Book in June 2024.

It is an exciting step towards my dream and proof that our first work is usually not the first published.

I'm side eyeing two manuscripts on my desktop as I type this. They'll have their day.

Now the real work starts. Luckily, being a co-author means I don't have to do this alone. Also, it is great because Chandra and I ebb and flow parallel to each other, have someone for creative sanity checks, and have someone to ensure we stay on track.

Upcoming things to do are editing the prompts (believe it or not), creating a cover design, writing our dedication/acknowledgements, all leading up to our author copies, then the final version for beginner and experienced writers alike.

With this push, though, I haven't done any writing or editing in the interim.

I have, however, kept on listening to audiobooks and reading physical or ebooks. I'm happy with that release and hope that writing can join the release soon.

Scripting the Book

This past month was one of my favorite monthly livestreams with my friends Nia (Vixen of Fiction) and Ben Pick to discuss the first three books and four seasons of Game of Thrones.

We had a great discussion, especially with our resident expert, Adrian from Books by Adrian.

I'd say, taking in other media, not only writing, along with writing really helps develop us as writers. It gives us a chance to evaluate how characters react and go for their goals. What goals make sense for a character, and how does it affect every decision they make.

If Game of Thrones is too big of an undertaking for you, feel free to absorb the mass amount of evaluation of the show and books, much like our little chat. Part 2 comes out in August, over books 4 and 5 and seasons 5-8.

Make it Happen

Last month I was focused on applying to publishing my flashes. In that charge I've applied to two writing challenges over the next few months with NYC Midnight.

Now, I'm hoping to put another item into fruition before the next news letter.

Chandra and I will work our schedules and restart Flash Fiction Live again. I still have a 102 flashes edited by the end of 2023.

I have 35 flashes edited thus far, which by the end of July should be at 60 flashes edited.

So, as much as I would love to fit this whole process and share it, I think it will be better and easier for me to forgo the technology and just keep my head down and edit 3 flashes a week.

Another option, that will help as it has earlier this year, is to do a catch up stream with my good friend Chandra.

Through all this, the ability to act on our dreams is the found through two ways.

  1. Admitting the goals publicly.
  2. Finding accountability buddies to help.

Reading Nook

Last month I said I read 55 books since 1 January. Yes, I include audiobooks in that, it is the only way I can get through so many with a full time job, cooking, cleaning, two kids to take care of, and speed along a 30 minute commute.

Now I am at 67 books complete, and I think it is time in these newsletters I highlight which book (or books) that I really liked from that month and how it can help my writing.
This book was a mixture of non-fiction flashes and short stories. I was laughing and in shock a few times. You even get a bit of a history lesson.

What is helpful in this story for writing is how to write moments, depict dialogue with conflicting thoughts, telling two sides of a story, building suspense, and admitting your own faults.
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